Tuesday 24 January 2012

30 day shred- day 21

so i had yesterday off and started level 3 tonight. it was probably not the best idea to start it feeling so tired, but i gave it a good go, apart from my strop in the middle as i was feeling pretty annoyed at my rubbish body and they way it played up for either modified planks (knees) or advanced (shoulder). i'm sure some people think i make it up or exaggerate the pain but believe me no one would want to wish this upon themselves. i've had several cortizone injections that don't really help, i now wear inserts in all my shoes, which help with walking, but kneeling.........

hopefully tomorrow night will be better, i'm going to try and leave work earlier and get straight on it but tonight i had a meeting and then a spanish lesson to go to so was feeling quite mentally tired which was the problem!

hopefully i will be taking some pics of my shopping from the weekend tomorrow as well  and a few pics of my amazing nails- i love them!

who know i might even make a card, rather then sitting watching christmas films making up the tons of decoupage sheets i had i a draw but never used as they weren't made when i needed to make a card.

oh and i won a card competition :)))

so happy about that!!!

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